Janney Montgomery: Impact Trump Administration could have on BDCs

Posted by Alex Buzby on Dec 12, 2016 4:13:16 PM
Alex Buzby
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What will a Trump administration mean for Business Development Companies? The BDC Equity Analysts at Janney Montgomery address this topic and more in their 3Q16 wrap up.

DOWNLOAD Janney Montgomery Scott - Quarterly Report

"We believe investors need to think about the potential impact on BDCs from the economic policies that will likely be implemented by the Trump administration. Based on comments from President Elect Trump and the people surrounding him, we believe it's likely that the government increases spending on infrastructure, lowers taxes, and eases government regulations involving banks. Economic growth likely picks up, which could cause interest rates to rise and inflation expectations to increase." 


Topics: BDC, janney montgomery, business development company

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