Main Street Capital Corporation (NYSE: MAIN) (“Main Street”) exited two portfolio investments in their entirety, Compact Power Equipment, Inc and Indianapolis Aviation Partners, LLC.
Topics: Loans, Middle Market, BDC, business development company, Main Street, Equity
Portfolio update Saratoga Investment Corp. Q2 2017
Saratoga is an externally managed Business Development Company (BDC) investing in middle market companies with revenues of $8 million to $150 million and EBITDA of $2 million or greater, typically making investments of $5 million to $20 million.
Topics: Loans, Middle Market, BDC, business development company, Saratoga
Apollo Investment Corp. (AINV) filed 4Q16 results yesterday including debt investments at 13 new portfolio companies. Click here to dive into Apollo New Investments courtesy of our BDC Database.
Topics: BDC, business development company, New Issues
Janney Montgomery: Impact Trump Administration could have on BDCs
What will a Trump administration mean for Business Development Companies? The BDC Equity Analysts at Janney Montgomery address this topic and more in their 3Q16 wrap up.
Topics: BDC, janney montgomery, business development company
Business development company managers are seeking creative ways to increase their portfolio yields in the best risk-adjusted manner. The BDC leverage limitation of one-to-one as outlined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the 40 Act) prevents them from increasing their direct leverage.
Topics: Middle Market, joint ventures, business development company
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